We have selected a photographer for our wedding -- Chris Soliz. Justin knew him from college. He has some experience as a wedding photographer, and he has a lot of experience shooting events so we are confident he will do a great job. Here are a few photos he has taken. Also, you can check out here for other photos Chris has taken.
And we're going to have a ferris wheel at our wedding! Not really. I just like this photo Chris took.
The news just came out that a North Korean shooter was disqualified from the Olympics and stripped of his medals when he failed a drug test. My initial reaction was, "Really? Steroids for air pistol? How could that possibly help? Does it mean you can pull the trigger faster? Plus, if an athlete in a sport is called a 'shooter', don't you expect them to be doing drugs?"
It turns out that he was taking propanolol, a beta blocker that apparently can help keep you from trembling. I wonder if they also test for Ritalin and pot, just in case someone is trying to focus while also calming their nerves...
For those of you wonder, "What is this sport like and what am I missing out on?", here's a little preview. Oh, and the answers to your questions are "slow" and "not much":
As for the people they show in the video about thirty seconds in, are those judges or did someone trick them by saying, "Come see women athletes in their fun outfits perform at the highest level!"?
Every year, around the start of August, Wendy's runs a promotion to benefit diabetes research. If you give them $1, they give you a coupon book worth 4 small Frosties. Now, for those of you wondering, a Frosty costs $1.19 + tax. It's pretty amazing. So I bought $5 worth of Frosty coupons (those of you keeping score at home, that would be 20 Frosties). Not to mention it's for a good cause. Plus, I laugh a little inside every time I eat one knowing that the people it benefits cannot eat a Frosty themselves. But some day... some day...
Jessica and I have been house sitting for my friend Ousama and looking after his cat, Taboolie.
Taboolie is a relatively mild-mannered indoor cat, although she likes to go outdoors and hide in the bushes. Also, as with all cats, Taboolie has the incredible ability to leap not only down, but also up great heights. While a somewhat amazing feat, it's one that Jessica doesn't always appreciate, as the neighbors can confer, based on the screams they must hear when Taboolie leaps onto the sofa arm rest.