Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2 Years and Counting!

It has, in fact, been two years since we were married. For the second anniversary, the gift is cotton. So here was Justin's way of saying, "I love you". Enjoy!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Autumn Getaway!

A couple weekends ago, we got a chance to go out and explore the countryside. Armed only with our sense of exploration and our iPhones, and limited only by our mileage limit (well, kind of limited, seeing as we went over that limit!), we ventured out into New England.

We left Friday afternoon and found a pumpkin patch on the lawn of a church. It should be noted that prior to wandering among the pumpkins, Jessica was shot with a gamma ray that caused her to grow in size. To give you some perspective, those pumpkins are all about the size of a beach ball.

After searching the patch, we finally settled on these two pumpkins, and yes, we did look at every single one before we picked them out.

While all the colors of the leaves are beautiful, Justin's favorite color is red...

...although everyone's favorite might be the mixture of all the colors when they're brought together.

We also saw some geese. They were about to go watch a football game so Jessica got out some pretzels to feed them.

More beautiful color.

The reflection of the leaves in the water is always a pretty sight. We captured this shot while hiking in a state park near the Massachusetts - Connecticut border.

I guess the theme of these last three photos is water. This was a long exposure shot to give that water that softer look. Ideally there would have been more sunlight, but it seemed to turn out okay.

We also saw a couple of wild turkeys running around. With only one month left until Thanksgiving, it's no wonder they were in such a rush when we stopped.

Some of the prettiest color we saw all weekend was in a cemetery we came across while driving back on Sunday. The leaves all over the ground helped make the whole scene so striking.

Here is one of the gravestone statutes set against the red leaves.

And here is another gravestone. The end!