Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Roommate

Originally we were going to add this as a blog post, but then we decided to record a little audio and put in some pictures to create a video. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

3 months

Three months in and the big thing now is drool - a lot of it. Turns out this is a sign of teething, which can (and has) come with some irritability in the evenings. While suggested remedies for teething include rubbing his gums, giving him something cool to suck/chew on, and even baby Tylenol, no where have we found whiskey recommended as a possible solution, unless of course it's being taken by the parents ;-) What does all of this have to do with the photo? Well, both these toys are safe for him to chew on, and with all the drool, you'll notice his latest trick in the corner of his mouth - blowing spit bubbles!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Baby Shower Outfits

At Gigi's baby shower, people had a chance to make William onesies. Here's one that was made for William by his Great Granny. The top photo is the front and the bottom photo is the back.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Capturing a smile

In an effort to capture the perfect shot of William, we end up taking multiple shots in a row until we get one with just the right expression. Here, in GIF format, is that progression. Also, please note the adorable outfit that makes it seem like he's about to go play tennis on his yacht. That's right, in my mind his yacht is big enough to fit a full size tennis court on board.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sleeping Sacks

We've started moving away from swaddling William and towards sleep sacks. What are sleep sacks you ask? Well, to answer that question William was kind enough to model a couple for you!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Play date

While it was really more a play date for the parents, William enjoyed getting to hang out with Quincy, the son of one of Jessica's colleagues.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Seeing Nature

Temperatures have become manageable outside (mid-80s), so we decided to get outside in nature. William seemed particularly wowed by the orchid. Or maybe it was a yawn.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

William the Talker

William has been getting more and more vocal of late. Here is a 5 min video of him talking up a storm. While we're not 100% sure what he's saying, we think he tries to say hello a couple times, he may talk about how delicious he thinks his fist is, and then he does seem to get rather upset about global warming, but you be the judge.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Play ball!

Last night, Justin and William stayed up to watch the Yankees v. Red Sox. William doesn't have his own Red Sox gear yet so he borrowed some from his dad. While not everyone was awake until the end (see second photo), we can confirm that the Red Sox won with a walk off home run in the 11th inning!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Does it fit?

Ladies, you think you've got it tough with sizes, at least you're not a baby! A little crazy that these both claim to be 0-3.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Moving on up!

While we are still a week out from William turning three months old, we've moved him into his three month outfits, which include this adorable little piece. With it on, he fits in perfectly with his friends!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Couple more Texas photos

Here are a couple more photos from our Texas trip. Enjoy!

William's Crest

After a conversation with Rob, we were inspired to create a crest for William.

The Latin says, "I eat, I belch, I sleep."

In general we try to post different things on Facebook/Twitter than we post on the blog, so make sure to check out our Twitter feed from time to time: @Child_Whimsy. Or, if you have a twitter account, then follow us!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Our little monkey

One of the many joys of having a small child is being able to dress them up however we want! With this outfit, Jess was concerned William is expressing his preference for bananas over her, but since he hasn't started eating solids yet, it's safe to assume that bananas is meant to serve as an adjective here.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 4th Festivities

Here are photos from July 4th when everyone came to meet William but spent most of the time watching Alice. Isn't she adorable?

Meeting the Grandparents

As you probably know, we flew down to Texas last week. Here are a couple photos of William with Grandma and Grandpa Rice taken with our camera (as opposed to our iPhones).

Monday, July 15, 2013

Go to sleep little baby

With so many new people holding William during our trip to Texas, our return to D.C. has meant more mom and dad time.