Thursday, December 25, 2014

Photos from Seattle

Merry Christmas! A few photos from our first couple days in Seattle. You can't even tell we've all been a little under the weather.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Panda bear sighting

It seems that William is becoming more open to hats, especially now that he seems to be figuring out that they keep his head warm.

Monday, December 15, 2014

William's new place

Only 19 months old and already looking to move into his own place. They grow up so fast!

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Took a trip down to the Newseum today. William got to touch a piece of the Berlin Wall, check out front pages of newspapers from around the world, and see a news helicopter. But his favorite part was running through the leaves in a park nearby the Newseum!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The dentist - take 2

William had his second dentist visit. A lot less crying, and he did let the dental hygienist polish one tooth, so good progress there!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Northern Lights

Finally, the photos everyone has been waiting for - the Northern Lights! We only saw them one night and these photos turned out a little blurry, but the colors are still there.

For some reason the color to the naked eye was a much whiter, while the photos turned out much greener.

Played around some with the shutter speed, with about a four second seeming to give the best results. It also picked up a significant amount of ground light, even at 11 o'clock at night.

The slow shutter speed likely caused much of the blurriness. Granted, that doesn't explain the trees, that's just the wrong focal length.

It was pretty amazing to watch as the lights would change from moment to moment.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Us in Iceland

Photos of us in Iceland!

Jessica and William at the Sun-Craft outlook.

The Icelandic enjoy ice cream. When in Iceland...


William enjoying the cold.

William and Jessica snuggling together to stay warm.

Dad, why is your hat hair so much worse than mine?

I got this dad, just hand me the keys!

Wanted: Adorable speeder - known for making other drivers say, "Oooooo. So cute!"

Monday, December 8, 2014

Sights of Iceland

A few of the highlights from Iceland

A geothermal geyser


A nighttime shot of Gullfoss - the largest waterfall in Europe.

And by day!

A wider shot of the geothermal location where the geyser goes off.

Over by the blue lagoon - a very popular geothermal bath.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Winter Photos

A few winter photos

A warm stream of water running next to snow covered grass. The steam in the background is coming from geothermal activity.

A moonlit snow covered path.

Our lovely house we found on Airbnb - hot tub and all!

Iceland Panoramas

A few landscape shots from our trip to Iceland

Sunset from Reykjavik

Reykjavik with the mountains behind

Jessica braving a hurricane to get a closer look at a lighthouse

Road along the golden circle

A few shots along the golden circle

Anyone up for a picnic?


One more shot at the end of the golden circle

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Blue Lagoon

On our last day in Iceland, we explored the Blue Lagoon, a geothermal pool. We weren't able to get in and enjoy the warm water, but it was beautiful to see!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

More from Iceland

A random assortment of Iceland photos - 1. Gulfoss, the largest waterfall in Europe. A part of the golden circle. 2. William and Justin sitting in front of a fire. William was enthralled by the fire - for about a minute. 3. William sporting some adorable winter apparel - also for about a minute.