Saturday, January 31, 2015

William in the snow

William enjoyed the little bit of snow still on the ground from earlier this week.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Airplane book

Here's Jess reading William his Lowly at the Airport book for the 10th time today. Where do airplanes go? Sky!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Pizza making time

William was helping Mama out with the pizza. Granted he only wanted to eat the crust and the sauce, but he did help put everything on!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

First haircut

 While we had trimmed his bangs a couple times, this was William's first full haircut.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Day at the park

 We had one really nice day of weather while in Austin, and we made the most of it!

So excited to be outside!

Busia, watch me going down the slide!

Silly Gigi giving me so many kisses!

I bet you can't catch me!

I'm so big now!

But I still love playing with my Mama!

Did I mention I love going down the slide?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Visiting Moppin and Poppin

Here are a few photos of our visit with Moppin and Poppin. William loved taking a spin in the blue car!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas at Gigi's

We didn't get to Texas until after December 25th, but William doesn't care what day it is as long as he gets to open presents!

William and the biggest word board book. So much to see!

Can I help you open that present?

I got this, I'm an expert!

Here Gigi, let me help you with that.

I got this Rob, I'm a professional present opener.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A few extra from Seattle

 A few more photos from Seattle.

William hanging out with Jimi Hendrix. 

Found this alley down by the Public Market where all the used chewing gum of the world is left.

Woah, are you going down that slide on your own?

This? This is nothing. I've got this -- all day.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Pre-Christmas Presents

 Prior to our Christmas trip to Seattle and Texas (and just after bath time), William opened a few of his presents from Mama and Daddy.

Notice the wet hair?

It's a bus!

Looks like he's getting the hang of unwrapping!


Here's William (hair dry) with his two presents. Take note of the train, because it will never look this way again.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Making Christmas Ornaments

William and Jessica worked together to make some homemade ornaments.

Jessica got some special clay, and William helped place different pieces.

Then the clay was rolled out flat with a roller.

And finally cut into circles to be baked in the oven.

William was very particular with how the colors where laid out.

Great job William!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Annual trip to the Botanical Garden


What has become a DC holiday tradition, we went down to the Botanical Garden on the National Mall to see their holiday display.

 This includes their toy train display, which William watched with fascination.

We also walked around the rest of garden, checking out all the plant models of the DC sights, including the Washington Monument.