Friday, February 6, 2009


Some people say the devil is in the details. So here's a closer look at some of the details of our trip...

Burning incense coils in a temple in Hong Kong.

A fountain in the Hong Kong botanical gardens.

Intricate detail on the underside of the roof of a Wat in Chiang Mai.

Buddhas sitting along the top of a wall surrounding a Wat in Chiang Mai.

The details of one of the dragons from our previous post, guarding a Wat in Chiang Mai.

Bougainvillea flowering next to the same Wat the dragons were guarding.

Large pots containing lily flowers are common both outside houses and Wats.

Another Buddha in front of a Chedi in Chiang Mai.

A sea turtle in the turtle sanctuary in Sri Racha.

Plumeria blooming in Sri Racha.

Buddha in his many different forms outside a Wat in Sri Racha.

A King Cobra, the largest venomous snake in the world, looking most majestic at the Snake Farm in Bangkok.

A non-venomous snake at the Snake Farm in Bangkok (or at least that's what the handler tells his wife).

She's still smiling, so that must mean the honeymoon's not over yet. Next is India, with more photos sure to come.

1 comment:

Merry said...

the smile looks a trifle dubious... :))
what?! no pictures of food?
i love turtles (and, not in soup, so glad there were no turtle soup details);love this picture.
i predict the honeymoon will last many, many years!