We've left the Corbett National Park and have plenty of stories to tell. You're going to have to wait, however. The suspense is probably going to be difficult to bear. So in the meantime, here are photos from our last two stops.
This is the Lake Palace in the city of Udaipur, our last stop in Rajasthan.
While they look cute, monkeys can attack at will. Or so we learned at the Corbett National Park. Don't be taken in by their cute eyes and innocent expressions; if you have food, toilet paper, or anything shiny, they will take it. At any cost.
We're taking a train back to Delhi tonight and will post more about our adventures these past few days, as well as the Indian holiday Holi, soon! This is our last week in India, but before we go, we will be heading to Agra to see the Taj Mahal.
P.S. We've enjoyed the bit of infighting in our blog comments. If you haven't read them, make sure you do (and add your own)! We changed the settings on our blog so that anyone can leave comments without a Google or Blogger account (just select the "Name/URL" option and enter your name). Thanks to all of you for reading!
"Missing Honeymooners" indeed! Yea, you teasers, you. Incognito not nearly long enough though for me to even look up the embassy phone number (although my dialing finger was starting to quiver). Should have known you were only up to monkey business.
After all these years Diane still has it. I imagined her saying all that in a "voice". Good times.
P.S. We've enjoyed the bit of infighting in our blog comments.
Are you ready to rumbl-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-e?!
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