Thursday, June 11, 2009

Vote for our Picture!

We submitted a photo to MSNBC's travel photo contest and it was selected. Here's the photo:

So go here and vote for the photo!

Tell your friends to vote too! We get lots of money if we win! (Not really.)


Merry said...

ok, i found it! those little ducks are awfully cute.
but, i voted for yours, of course! it is a great picture. but, little duckies...

Penelope said...

Hi Justin and Jessica,

Just voted for your picture but it did not register another number ~ You were at 40 when I voted and still on 40 after. Two others have 46 & 47 ~~~ Get your families on their computers!!

Hugs to both of you

Cindy said...

You got my vote! What are ducklings when compared to dragons, Merry? What a wimp!

I've sent an email to fam and friends asking to support you in your campaign! Keep hope alive!

Penelope said...

Just checked and your picture is up to 75! Love Tree has 98 and Puerto Los Cabos has 89 ~~ Get those votes in everyone!!

Merry said...

i voted for the ferocious dragons, c! i'm just saying...

Mom/Diane said...

Right now you're #1, with that weird tree trailing by 3 votes.