We hope to submit a photo from our trip to the New York Times Travel Photo Contest. Here are the details of the contest:
Why We Travel: Submit Your Photos
Share your best travel photos from this summer, then tell us the backstory. Where did you go and why? What's happening in your photo? What does it mean to you? We'll publish a selection of the top images this fall. For inspiration, see this gallery of images. (Please limit your contributions to one or two photos.)
Since they are looking for a photo with a story, and pretty much every photo from our blog has a story, we wanted to take recommendations from you as to which photos and stories you found the most interesting or unique. Please post your favorites in the comment section, and, if you can, please include the post title.
Thanks for your help and for reading!
J Squared
i'm so sorry, but i refuse to be limited to 2. there's at least one uncooperative devotee in every crowd and since i'm first, i'm it.
in no particular order:
1. 2-2-09 cooking-thai style;loved that y'all ended up cooking for the customers
2. 2-25-09 dinner, with a special guest; no explanation necessary
3. 6-8-09 people being people; the one of the bus or cab driver, with j2 in the mirrors; but guess there's no story; i just like the picture.
4. 2-25-09 how many monkeys in the picture? the story there, of course, is that i never got my monkey... can you say, dead horse...?
the following is posted for c:
First let me thank you for a reason to take another quick trip around the world with you. I loved it all over again!
In addition to Merry's (very astute)choices 1-3, I like the following:
3/20 Sand in Our Shoes -- City of a Million Satellite Dishes. I love the juxtaposition of the ancient and the modern. (That's right, Merry, JUXTAPOSITION!)
(merry interjects:hey, i know those big words!)
3/17 Welcome to Egypt -- I like camel shadow shot. It makes me smile every time I see it. Same entry -- one of the last 2 pics with the pyramids and clouds. Magnificently beautiful!
On another note – Thanks for the email update with address and phone info. I’ll be in touch!
Love you!
ps isn't merry just the sweetest person you know?
wait! 1-3? what's wrong with number 4?!
okay, now i'm having a blog conversation with myself...
You two(?) are fun to watch.
i agree j2 are a hoot!
my word (or world, as craig likes to say)verification today is eyebul. who comes up with this stuff? wouldn't that be a fun job? what do you do for a living? i create words like eyebul for google.
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