Monday, August 16, 2010

Latest in Blog Mania

So the sun is setting on our summer in Austin...

We're on our way back to Boston, where, this year, we will attempt to post on a weekly basis!

Hey, you don't need to act that surprised, we're just talking about a blog here. We can handle one lousy post a week.

Oh, right, you were reacting to your birthday gift, not our blogging plans. A gift from Christopher, her youngest son. Happy Birthday Mom!


Merry said...

wow, jackie! beautiful! christopher, i like red lamborghinis...

glad to see some blog work, j2!!!

love you guys

Craig Weeks said...

Welcome back ...

Jackie said...

thank you dear Justin and didn't show the delicious cake you baked, or tell about the first fifty years of Jackie's life slide show you made...