Thursday, September 9, 2010

Grab Bag

Picked up some exciting veggies today from the farmers market - a grab bag of deliciousness! $20 got us six ears of corn, five carrots, three peaches, two beets, one head of cabbage, two bell peppers, one pound of heirloom tomatoes, and a partridge in a pear tree. Now off to create a dinner with all these veggies!


Merry said...

what time should i be there?
sounds delicious (can't wait to hear what y'all do with the beets...) and they make a beautiful picture.
how's the eye, justin?

Merry said...

bet if you play with these, you can make a veggie creature.

i just made a second comment to see if i got a funner (can be a word if i say so) word verification. i was not disappointed: gatch
gatch is gloriously great!

Merry said...

oh, but this one's better: gigniert

i could fill your blog looking for fun words, so i'll stop now.

Diane said...

What a deal! Good stuff.
