Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2 Years and Counting!

It has, in fact, been two years since we were married. For the second anniversary, the gift is cotton. So here was Justin's way of saying, "I love you". Enjoy!


Craig Weeks said...

Wow! Beyond impressive. What is that? A good 4 hours worth of sustained effort?

Merry said...

the bar has been set very high; what will you do in the coming years?!
amazing and very sweet!

Diane said...

oh, boo hoo hoo....sniff, sniff.
How adoringly sweet!!! Really. This is so sweet.

So, Jessica, what was your cotton-picking gift for Justin?


Jackie said...

Wonderful!! I loved it.

My two cents, you love Jessica every single 'cotton pickin' day!!

Happy Anniversary! I think the card I sent was made of cotton :-)
