Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Monument Above the Rest!

With all the remarkable monuments in D.C., the one that stands out above the rest is the Washington Monument.

It literally dwarfs the Capitol! Okay, so this isn't exactly to scale, since the Capitol is much further away. The Capitol actually measures 288 feet tall, while the Washington Monument is 555 feet tall.

Thank goodness we found a sign directing us to the monument! We wouldn't have found it otherwise...

Even though the reflection pool between the Lincoln and Washington Monuments was closed, Justin still managed to find a big enough body of water to get this shot.

The Washington Monument was a beautiful sight against the dark sky.

From a different angle, you can see the pinks and purples from the sunset.

We were also able to capture the moon rising with the Monument. It reflects the light from the setting sun, giving it a reddish hue.

We had to scramble to get the right angle, but after climbing over a few tourists, bridges, and sidewalks, we managed to find the best spot for a close-up of this photogenic pair.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Very nice, guys. Beautiful pictures.