With so much coming up over the next several months, we took advantage of the Presidents Day weekend to head back to Texas for a quick visit.
With so much rain, there were plenty of clouds to create a beautiful canvas for the sunset to paint upon.
The main purpose of our visit was to catch up with family, including a family member we had never met, baby Alice. Granted, this isn't the first time Alice has appeared in our blog.
This was also the first time we got to see Jackiemom's new house. Located in central Austin, it has enough room to fit both of us along with Christopher, who was in town for a visit.
With the two brothers in town, you knew there was going to be some competition. While Christopher won their round of golf and Justin dominated the basketball court, the most impressive game came when Justin went over 200 for the first time while bowling at the Texas Union.
Finally, no visit to Texas is ever complete without visiting the oldest married couple in the family, Granny and Papa Rogers. Even after all these years, they're still making smart choices (particularly Papa when it comes to his headgear!)
What a wonderful portrait of your visit to Texas, February 2012. It was great to see you, as always!
And what a nice visit it was! Your photos tell the story. Love you guys!
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