Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Twittering we shall go...

Several times we have heard people comment, "I wish I had written down all the funny things my child said when they were little." With that in mind, we are considering starting a family Twitter account in order to capture those moments and share them in one place.

For those of you unfamiliar with Twitter, it is a website where people can post and share comments with the world, but you have to limit those comments to 140 characters. Don't worry, you don't have to have a Twitter account to read our tweets (the comments on Twitter are called tweets). We will set it up so you can see all the tweets right on the blog.

What we do need to figure out is a name for the account that isn't already taken. If you have any suggestions, leave a comment with your idea and if we like it, we may use it!


Jackie said...

Great idea! How about...

J Squared said...

We like those suggestions, but we were also thinking we would use it with the blog in general, so we were thinking something more all-encompassing.