Sunday, August 11, 2013

Smithsonian Natural History Museum - Part 2

We decided to take a little field trip down to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum.

William seemed very interested in looking around. He seemed to like this fish tank. May be the fish, may be the light.

We had a whale of a time!

Lots of interesting displays, but William was more into looking than reading.

There was an amazing nature photo display we wandered into.

While not completely comfortable in it, William seems to be growing more at home in his carrier.

You looking at me?


Looks like William got tired of his carrier.

Look, it's a giraffe taking a drink!

Don't look now, but I think there's a DINOSAUR behind behind you!

Hanging out with Henry the Elephant in the front foyer.

A little family selfie on the National Mall.

Okay, I think that's enough fun for one day. Time for a nap.


Jackie said...

Wonderful, such fun! Thanks for sharing.

Diane said...

Oh, my...what an treasure trove for a baby! Little William certainly looked mesmerized (well, when not asleep). Imagine all the fantastic and amazing things he'll learn there with Mom and Dad.

Loved the photos---I got to see, too!