Monday, June 9, 2014

First Dentist Visit

William has six teeth, so we figured it was time for a visit to the dentist! Apparently he thought it was the doctor's because he was not happy to have people looking at his teeth.


Diane said...

But he did it (with Daddy's help)! What a brave boy.

Unknown said...

Awww! William looks so cute. I love his smile! Haha! I think it’s natural for kids to be unhappy about a visit to the dentist. They sometimes have it worse, with all the crying and waterworks every visit, but it looks like you have such a brave boy right there. :D
Jeff Wade @ Spring Branch Dental

Lindsey Hubbard said...

It’s quite normal for children to be uncomfortable on their first visit, but I hope things will be a lot easier for William the second time around. Anyway, how is his dental health doing? I hope things are doing great for you guys. Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a great day!

Lindsey Hubbard @ Team Green Dentistry