Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm on a Boat!

In the world of blogs, it's always a world of "what have you done for me lately". Well, this is some of what we've been up to lately!

Board Game night, not Bored Game night, has become a regular with some of Jessica's classmates. A room full of future lawyers is just a room full of lawyer jokes in waiting. But don't tell them I said that, they're all learning about torts right now...

A room of lawyers is one thing, but a boat full of lawyers is another thing. But things went well! No, the boat didn't sink in the harbor. They were all really nice, and some of them really know how to dance!

We had hoped to get some pretty sunset shots of the city, but with the winter months fast approaching, the sunset was far too early to be enjoyed on board. Here we catch the last waning moments of light, also referred to as dusk.

We did get a pretty view of the Boston Skyline at night, but as with any night photo on a moving vehicle, the shot is either really dark or really blurry. Hopefully this is the right combination to please our audience.

Oh, here are those dancing lawyers-in-waiting I told you about. We were worried that it would be cold on a boat at night, but with all the beats pounding, we had no trouble turning on the heat!

This is a well-known suspension bridge in Boston. That is all.

Some red-haired lady found a glow stick she enjoyed waiving around. If you could see into the fourth dimension, and that fourth dimension was time, this might be kind of like what you would have seen on the boat.

But as with all things related to going out, the night ended with a T ride home. Good news is we were all smiles!

And to hopefully satisfy some of our pushier readers, here are some red leaves. Happy now?


Craig Weeks said...

Friends, Trivial Pursuit and a stack of Blackberries big enough to choke a horse. Life is good.
"If you could see into the fourth dimension, and that fourth dimension was time ..."
Only a math guy could concoct such a phrase. Points deducted however for not working in the obvious use of "then" (If ... then ...).

Merry said...

pushier readers? PUSHIER READERS?! are you talking about ME!?

one piddling little fall picture from new england. hmmm.........

push might come to shove...